
Eatem Hall

You will never guess where Horace and I have gone this weekend? Well we were just eating our breakfast, when an exciting letter arrived from our new neighbour, inviting us to stay for the weekend. He is a bit of a recluse and we have never met him before, so it was quite exciting to be invited to his extensive manor and grounds up on Wolfson Hill. Upon arrival we were a little disappointed that Dr Hunter couldn’t meet us. Obviously he is a very important man with serious work commitments. I mean you would never normally do that and he did leave us a nicely written letter (quite a few spelling mistakes I might add).  We went to our delightful room which has the most gloriously decadent four-poster bed. I will sleep like a queen tonight! I am just writing this while Horace freshens up. It is almost time to go down to dinner. Apparently it will be quite a magnificent spread - obviously Horace can’t wait (I do hope he doesn’t eat like a pig). I will post later to let you kn

Quackingly Good Village Fete

So today was the Peckhamsted Village Fair. This annual event is quite the highlight of the local social calendar and Horace and I had been looking forward to it for weeks. Horace had been asked to judge the best cake competition, being quite the connoisseur of cream cakes, profiteroles and other such delicacies.  Being a goose of impeccable character, I was of course asked to judge the best flower arrangement. Quite an honour and responsibility I can tell you! Well the day began with much excitement and then I got my feathers quite in a flap, as I couldn't decide whether to wear a red or a blue scarf. It totally put me off my breakfast.  I was worried it might show I preferred one or other of the competitors and they are quite a feisty lot! Harriet Hen one year, didn't talk to Maisy Mouse for a whole summer because Maisy had used the same main flower in her arrangement as Harriet! Horace  on the otherhand would never let such worries put him off his breakfast and he